Friday, 5 November 2010


If you've read this before, you'll know that my experience of making stuff is pretty limited - in fact I think you've seen it all! But I'm gradually growing in confidence in my small corner of limited knowledge. 
I am still in awe of skilled builders and script manipulators on here but realise that I learn best when I am being driven by a particular task in mind.
I have friends on here that are skilled builders and I have seen their businesses grow.

My friend Perryn is one of those clever people that crop up in different places in Second Life, you might recognise him from the Steam Hunts and more recently the Silk Road Hunt which is currently running. 
It is from these groups that Perryn sent a notice out inviting sellers to offer an item for 25L - I have never sold anything but have decided to give this a go and will be setting up my pitch on Saturday. The cost of the pitch is only 25L so this is a great way for people like me to get their feet wet and I am setting out my 2 Roman Pavements.

 This is so much NOT my area of expertise that I spent some time last night fiddling with properties for each iten to make them buyable.

Well......we shall see.......


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