Monday, 27 September 2010

I am 2 today!

Today is my 2nd rezzday, I am 2.
I am in my 3rd version of "me" and am pretty content with it.

So, 2 years on where have I got to?
I happy being with Bramble who has been there for more than half that time and who is my rock.
I live in a tree castle and spend my time between that, dancing and roleplay.
Yes, roleplay - I have a love-hate relationship with Gor. There are plenty of days when i wished I had never strayed across it but I did and I do keep drifting back.
I joined a village, a small group, they helped me grow and find my feet but I'm no longer fully content there. I love the  people but it's a small group and that makes it all feel very intense. I'm ready to swim freer in a bigger pond.
So, we've been looking around. "we" because this is something we do together, also because neither of us is a body and soul Gorean. It rather begs the question "why"....well I am sitting here thinking that too. It is something I have been drifting back to everytime I drift away so what is it that draws me?
Well, i like the language-play. Language interests me, it is a fun thing to play around with, to paint with and sculpt with. I'm someone who largely avoids txtspk (yes ok, the odd brb and btw :) etc will occur but not the full-on vowel deprivation that many use).
With all this language play going on comes my second point, life moves slowly - yes ok, ok I agree sometimes painfully slow!
The third thing that attracts me is that it all hinges on a society, a structure.There is more than just breezing through for a dance or a chat with a mate and with that comes a sense of place and belonging.
Now the other side, like I say neither of us are fully card-stamped Goreans, we don't have slaves (and I am not one btw) and wince at the prospect of any of the grosser stuff surrounding all that, also I currently roleplay a Physician and will scream if I so any more slave medicals.
Consequently we are looking for somewhere where the demands are less and some aspects of roleplay easier to avoid.

We visited 2 places yesterday.
Place 1 a busy, attractive Northern port, very nicely laid out with plenty of people around so much less intense. Friendly people, fully Gorean.
Place 2 was very different and I stumbled across it entirely by accident. It is stunningly beautiful and rejects the aspects of roleplay that we struggle with. My fear is that it mainly operates in a different timezone to ours.
This week will be spent seeing how the evenings pan out in either/both and listening to our gut feeling.

We shall see.

I attached this track, a favourite of mine. There is no direct link but it sprang from some of my private reflections and memories while writing this.

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