In R/L I aspire to being the kind of person that can live a clutter-free life in a streamlined, stripped boards and white walls kind of style, the reality is significantly different in that I am surrounded by "stuff" that, although part of me would love to be shot of, I am hard-wired into acquiring and keeping more of.
At least on S/L it is all listed in an inventory, nothing hides under the bed or in the back of cupboards!.
My latest attack goes like this.....
Stuff I have rezzed and like and use goes into various sub-folders under the heading "AA Sorted" (yes, the whole lot is alpha-sorted) with my core essentials (hair, skin, eyes, AO etc) in their own folder.
This method has served me well for the stuff I use often but there is an ever-increasing pile of "also-rans" that I trip over every time I try to look in the wardrobe.
My latest attempt to deal with this is the boxes-in-the-attic method - create a box, slide all the assorted
I've been working on this, today I needed a new box - I gave up sorting and did a huge and satisfying sweep into my latest box...."Random shit I never look at"
The great thing about boxes, is that you can put them in boxes too! Keeping an inventory in any sort of sensible state is a bit like painting the Forth bridge, but if you don't do it, it can become a complete nightmare!
Ooooh!!! I hadn't thought of nesting the boxes.
Thank you!!!!!
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