Friday, 30 December 2011

One of THOSE neighbours....

I have a Linden home.
Some time back when where and with whom I would live was all a bit up in the air, Linden launched the free-homes-for-premium-members scheme and I reasoned that it compared well with renting and I’d never risk the landlady going AWOL or just plain evicting me.
Linden homes are good. If you like modern housing and estate living that is low maintenance they are great and have some nice little touches too. But if you’ve read much of this blog you’ll know that my housing whims have ranged from Dutch Ponder House, through New Orleans French Colonial, a Castle and currently a Greek Villa. However a change is always nice and I do occasionally use my Linden home – the contrast is refreshing.
Now, I treat “set home” as my ultimate security blanket – the kind of rez point that, if all my clothes fell off in an embarrassing social set-up (although what would still count as embarrassing here I no longer know) I could hastily tp home and reclaim my dignity in private. Consequently, I tend to set landing points indoors.
Although it definitely has a summer holiday feel to it, we decided to do some minimal Christmas decoration at the villa. I knew I had a reasonable tree inventoried away somewhere but I couldn’t locate it and anyway, Bram found a nice one so I forgot about it.
The other day, I rezzed in my Linden home, I had a little time to spare so thought I’d take a stroll outside. When I got the place it was on the edge of the development but recently I have become the hill to the valley below (I keep getting mental flashes from Poltergeist and hope the green pit beyond my window doesn’t start yielding skeletons). Imagine my surprise on opening my front door to find my Christmas tree on my lawn!! It must have been there all year – what must the neighbours think.